Please be sure to name your image files according to the first item below.

  • So that we can identify your photos, please name each JPEG as: last name, underscore, first name, underscore, entry number.jpg (e.g., jones_john_1.jpg, jones_john_2.jpg, etc.).
  • These numbers must correspond with the numbers on the entry form.
  • Digital images must be high quality (8) JPEG measuring 2000 pixels on the longest dimension.
  • If you follow these directions, your files should be smaller that 5 megabytes.
  • You may upload any number of your images at a time.
  • If you have a slow internet connection, we recommend uploading one at a time.
  • Files over 5.0 Mb will be automatically rejected.

If the entries are for an adult, please find and select up to 4 images if you paid the $15 entry fee, or up to 8 images if you paid the $25 entry fee.

If the entries are for a child, please find and select up to 4 images if you paid the $10 entry fee, or up to 8 images if you paid the $15 entry fee.

Images to upload


Thank you for entering the Naturescapes Photography Contest!