Submit Your Entries

Reminder: The deadline is midnight, June 24th, 2024!
Late entries cannot be accepted.

To submit your images, please complete these 3 steps in sequence:

  1. Pay the appropriate entry fee below. Please be sure to select the correct fee from the pull-down menu.
    You may pay with a PayPal account, or use a credit card.
    After paying return to this page and go to step 2.
  2. Complete the online entry form.
    Complete the online entry form only after you have paid the entry fee (step 1).
    If you are interrupted, return to this page and start the entry form over.
  3. Upload your images.
    Use the online image upload page only after you have completed steps 1 & 2.
    You will receive confirmation of your uploads. If you are interrupted, return to this page and start the upload process over.

Entry Fees

If you have a problem, please email a specific description of the problem to for assistance. Be sure to include your phone number in the email.